Boosting Self-Esteem

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“I’m not good enough.”

“If it’s not good enough, other people will… (yell at me, laugh at me, make fun of me, etc.)”

“I’m not as good as other people.”

“I’ll say the wrong thing.”

“I’ll do the wrong thing.”

“Everyone else has it together. There’s something wrong with me.”

“I’m not strong enough.”

“I can’t handle myself.”

“I freeze up any time I… (stand up for myself, try something new, put myself out there, etc.)”

“My needs aren’t that important.”

“If I don’t put others’ needs before my own, people won’t like me.”

Do these statements sound familiar?

The way we feel about ourselves can influence everything in our lives. When our self-esteem is fragile, everything else can feel unsteady. Doubt, overthinking, and comparisons can be a regular presence, and internal battles and regret are familiar friends. The way that we feel about ourselves influences choices we make, risks we take, the way that we navigate our relationships, and our overall happiness.

This can be a difficult habit to break- Even when we objectively “know” that our feelings or doubts are unfounded.

 The good news is that self-esteem is something that can be changed by changing your beliefs, behavior and how you think about yourself. That said, most people developed their self-esteem issues in childhood and have been living with low self-esteem for a very long time, but working with a trained therapist can help you break out of these patterns.

How Therapy Can Help Improve Your Self-Esteem

In therapy, we can uncover the patterns that you are using to undermine yourself, the core beliefs that fuel your self-doubt, and the past experiences that served as the foundation for those beliefs. We will create a new perspective for those experiences, which will free you to develop a lasting, positive self-image.

We can focus on specific areas where your confidence feels shaky, such as:

Body Image:

Understand and change negative self-image related to your bodies, weight, and physical appearance

Social Presence: 

Overcome a paralyzing fear of not knowing what to do or say, and shifting away from an obsession over on what others think toward feeling comfortable in your own skin.  


Build ability to recognize and assert your needs, manage relationship doubts, and feel more secure in relationships overall. 

Life Roles:

Work through “Imposter Syndrome” and the stress and self-doubt that can come in various roles such as in marriage, motherhood, friendships, managing work/life balance, pregnancy, etc.

Work and Career:

Let go feelings of fear and inadequacy, questions of self-worth and abilities, while building a sense of empowerment and self-assurance.